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Art.-Nr. 13004
67,99 Euro
Preis inkl. 7 % MwSt. (7%) 4,45 Euro
Author: Christian Neumaier
Editor: Dr. Melanie H. Adamek
Format, File Size, Print Length: Enhanced Additional Video Material, Epub 3, Fixed Format , 41 MB, 216 pages
Language: English
Publisher: OPTIMUM Medien & Service GmbH
ISBN: 978-3-936798-07-4

Learn How To Golf Like A Pro. Whenever And Wherever You Want. With Additional Video Material!

Christian Neumaier's successful book on the essentials of golf, GOLF – [NOT] JUST A SPORT LIKE ANY OTHER[?], STRAIGHT TO THE TARGET – AND LENGTHS AHEAD as an enhanced e-book with bonus material. Alongside the full contents of the book you receive additional video material as a perfect complement to the exercises. A genuine plus!

Please note: This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer. Books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device.


This book is the result of 25 years of enthusiasm, searching and experience, and Christian Neumaier is certainly not promising too much when he says: "With this book I would like to show you the things that really count in golf and the things you can happily ignore. Your golfing life and your golfing experience will become simpler, more successfull and much more enjoyable. Don't be distracted by trying to coordinate a whole lot of irrelevancies. Develop what really counts: A high sensivity for the club face. This is the only way to gain control over the flight of the ball."

The book is a guide, a textbook and a compendium all in one. In five well laid-out, clearly structured chapters, Christian Neumaier covers all the essentials of the golf motion, showing the reader with clear, jargon-free language, illustrative photographs and illustrations, and in a comprehensible manner, which components really count in golf and which can be safely neglected. In contrast to the usual golf literature, he makes no attempt to create an aura of mystery around the game. He shows the reader that golf is not subject to some esoteric science, but that the same laws apply for this stroke sport as for any other. He opens the door to a more effective game, characterized by success and pleasure. The well-founded and richly illustrated content is clearly structured and rounded off with many cross-references and a qualified key-word index.


In the first chapter the reader learns exercises that concentrate on what really counts, i.e. hitting the ball correctly. The focus is on conscious perception of impact motion and impact-related coordination. Special exercises to improve club face control, swing direction and club head speed help to reach a favorable handicap range with relatively little training input. Content and arrangement of the exercises are characterized by a highly professional didactic method and approach that make learning so much easier.


In the second chapter the author elaborates on the common features of golf, tennis, baseball, hockey and handball, illustrating these in a comprehensible manner with the corresponding series of pictures.


The third chapter analyzes the chain of motions that a golfer executes to achieve his goal, i.e. hitting the ball in the desired direction. In order to track the basic features of a golf stroke, the whole motion, from the basic posture through the backswing and impact right up to the follow-through, is shown and realistically explained with the aid of pictures taken with a high-speed camera. To provide an even deeper insight, the author uses special illustrations of the human skeleton and the main muscles involved in the motion.


The fourth chapter goes into further depth on how the motion sequences can be optimized, explaining the main biomechanical principles and how these can be applied to the game of golf.


In the fifth chapter the reader can round off his knowledge about the motion sequences in golf from an anatomical point of view by learning the essential principles, the laws to which the human body is subject, and which particular possibilities and tasks the musculoskeletal system has in golf. This allows the learner to react to specific physical characteristics, for example by targeted, individual training.

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Christian Neumaier , born in 1972, grew up in a sporting, medical family. His parents passed on their love and enthusiasm for sport and medicine to him. He began to intensively live out his passion for sport in many different sports at an early age until he discovered that golf was the game for him.

Before training as a golf instructor in Bad Griesbach he was involved in the German Golf Association and the Bavarian Golf Association. Since 2001 he has been trainer to the PGA of Germany and since 2004 holder of the A-trainer license of the DOSB/DGV. Since 2002 he has been Head Pro and director of the Beuerberg Golf School , whose golfing and competitive sport system he developed. In 2005 he collaborated with the Paderborn Golf Academy in a study to examine golf and stroke sports. Since then he has been partner trainer within the framework of the project Golf-Health Training. In 2012 he was voted into the Top Ten best golf instructors in Germany by the PGA of Germany. Christian’s profound understanding and passion has served players of all skill levels – amateurs and tour players alike.

Christian Neumaier is without a doubt one of the best golf instructors in Germany, and also has a major international reputation. Since 2007 he has been working as a trainer on the European Tour and the Asian Tour, training successfully with a wide range of tour players.

His most famous student is successful Champions Tour player and 10 times US PGA Tour winner David Frost , with whom he has achieved many successes. In June 2013 David was ranked world number one ( PDF ).

David Frost, Tour player:
Christian Neumaier's coaching lessons and approach to the game of golf is something I have been completely blown away by. I first visited him in May 2007. What he explained to me was a bit, no not a bit, but quite revolutionary when it comes comparing to what others teach in golf. You must understand that I have had lessons from David Leadbetter, Hank Haney, Butch Harmon and many others. This is a completely different language we are talking about here. I am so sorry that I did not meet him in a previous life. But yet I am extremely thankful I met him at all. He is without a doubt the single best golf source I have ever come across. In a nutshell: how would I explain his teaching since I say it is revolutionary? He makes the swing athletic by comparing the swing and hit to other hitting and batting sports, but the secret is in the grip. I would encourage you to pay him a visit. If he can work on my game, he can work on yours.
T erry Pilkadaris, Tour player:
After talking with David Frost whilst playing on the European Tour in 2008, he suggested I see a golf coach in Germany he knew. David said he had never during his golfing career met a person that had so much knowledge about how a golf swing should work, until he met Christian. Upon meeting Christian, his unrelenting enthusiasm was obvious for all to see. He displayed a passion for the cause and effect relationship between the body and the golf swing that was second to none. He didn’t just want to teach golfers, but educate them. He gave me a clear understanding of what I needed to work on in my game and provided me with a very simple solution to maintaining it. If you ever have the chance to visit Christian at GC Beuerberg, you will not only expose yourself to one of the best coaches in Europe, but also marvel at the amazing views which he calls his 'office'.
Jean-Jacques Rivet, Head of Biomechanics at European Tour:
From the first time I met Christian, I was in phase with his new approach to the enhancement of the golf swing. As a physiotherapist, understanding the physiology of the human body is essential to understanding the capabilities and limits of performance. Christian is an expert and a constant searcher in the understanding of the biomechanics of the human body. As a teacher at the Sport Engineering Department of the Aix Marseille University, I'm always searching for the latest system capable of calculating force etc. Capable of helping us to understand the problems in the golf swing as well as providing new solutions for improvement ... and Christian, of course, is aware of all the latest technology capable of assessing a golfer ... So not only has he got a ‘biomechanical eye’, but he also integrates biomechanics into all his coaching ... which is for me the ‘key’ to being the best golf coach in the world.
David Frost and Christian Neumaier, a story of success with many highlights:
In June 2013, Frost won his maiden senior major championship at the 2013 Regions Tradition. He won by a single stroke over Fred Couples to claim his first major title in his 17th attempt. It was also his fifth career victory on the Champions Tour.

„Frost using biomechanics to jump to top of Schwab Cup“ by Vartan Kupelian, PGATOUR.COM Correspondent:
„Frost works with a German golf professional, Christian Neumaier, on the biomechanical side of golf.“

„Frost’s interests go far beyond great golf“ by Vartan Kupelian, PGATOUR.COM Correspondent:
„No one tells you how to mechanically play baseball. Nobody tells you how to mechanically play hockey. Tiger (Woods) makes the game so difficult. He works so hard to try to hit the ball. He’s always working on something, instead of being natural.“


PGA-Professional Oliver Heuler, Golfschule Oliver Heuler , Fleesensee Golf Club, recommends Christian Neumaier's golf book:

I regard Christian's golf book ' GOLF – [NOT] JUST A SPORT LIKE ANY OTHER[?]' as one of the best golf books ever, if not the best. I have read this golf book twice myself, and I return to it regularly to look things up. 50 euro is a high price, but the first-class high-speed photos and the anatomical illustrations alone make it well worth the money …

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Website 5-14-2013 PDF

Ingo Grünpeter, Editor in Chief at GOLFaktuell , dedicates a whole training series to ' GOLF – [NOT] JUST A SPORT LIKE ANY OTHER[?]' and says:

Biomechanics? Sounds very dry. But you will only achieve success and pleasure in golf if you know and understand the motion sequences of your own body. In his book Christian Neumaier explains the principles of biomechanics as they apply to golf illustratively and in an interesting manner that every golfer can understand. A great book – for both students and teachers of golf.

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Stefan Maiwald writes in his column „Maiwalds Mandat“ in GOLF JOURNAL :

Neumaier says: the decisive factor in golf is control of the club face – just as in tennis or hockey. And he not only gives a lecture on the subject, but provides a wide range of practical exercises. The book is a wonderful winter read, because nearly all the exercises can be done at home. Just ask my scratched parquet floor or our neighbors in the apartment below.

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Dr. Urs Zondler, proprietor of the Beuerberg Golf Club , is certain:

My usual gambling pals will be cursing Christian …

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